Enjoy the ladin way of life in Alta Badia

IMG 8383

Skibus La Crusc

Badia by shuttle bus

From hotel to ski pistes in two ticks: hop on the La Crusc Skibus... and you’re on your way to the heights of fun in Alta Badia!

Skibus La Crusc: destination fun in Badia

he perfect service! The La Crusc Skibus is a fantastic shuttle service that awaits you outside your hotel every day, ready to take you straight to the fun on the ski slopes of La Crusc, or rather to the Skiland building, where you will find ski rental, ski school, skipass office and ski depot – all under one roof! And the best part? The shuttle service is totally free for guests of partner establishments! Scroll down to see the complete list.

App. Aria d' Boschariadbosch.eu
Hotel Ustaria Postaustariaposta.it
Pension Runcacruncac.com
Hotel Melodia del Boscomelodiadelbosco.it
Hotel Gran Andergranander.it
App. Guminagumina.it
Albergo Dolomiaalbergodolomia.it
App. Mirasasmirasas.it
Pension App. Runggpensionrungg.it
Hotel Miramontimiramontihotel.it
B&B Lamirìlamiri.it
App. Rudiferiaappart-rudiferia.it
Residence Badiarisabadia.it
App. Antoréantore.it
App. Ciasa Andyciasaandy.it
Chalet alla Cascataallacascata.it
Pension Atlanticpensionatlantic.com
Ciasa Nene Franzlnenefranzl.it
Ciasa Ciadinciadin.it

Other services at La Crusc

Towards new adventures

Your passepartout for adventures at the foot of Sas dla Crusc/Sasso di Santa Croce: buy your ticket for the ski lifts, online or directly at the cash desk at the valley station!

Opening times & prices

Ski lifts closed 08:30 - 16:15

Winter season05.12.2024 - 30.03.2025