
La Crusc at your service

Do you have any questions or do you need more information? The La Crusc team is at your service: simply send us an e-mail by clicking on the button below, or submit your request using the contact form, or call us on the number provided. We will be happy to help!

Your data are processed pursuant to and in accordance with current legislation (GDPR 679/2016, TKG 2003) to manage your request as well as to activate an information service for you. Your data will be treated with the observance of every precautionary measure of security and confidentiality provided by the legislation in force. Holder of data handling is Seggiovie Santa Croce Spa - Str. La Müda, 3 - 39036 Badia (BZ) - Italy. Read the full privacy policy.

Company data

Seggiovia Santa Croce S.p.A.

Str. La Müda, 3 - 39036 Badia (BZ)

P.IVA: 00178550216
Codice destinatario SDI: T04ZHR3

Lift: Tel. +39 0471 839645
Office and administration: Tel. +39 0471 838097
E-mail address: